
Σάββατο 27 Απριλίου 2024

Φωτογραφία 9ης Εβδομάδας

 Από τον Πέτρο 

Κάτω Γαρέφι Αλμωπίας

63 σχόλια:

  1. Muito linda tua foto com esses belos reflexos!Adorei!
    beijos, chica, ótimo domingo!

  2. Απαντήσεις
    1. We have been very hot well above the expected temperatures for the season.
      Then it rained for about a week, at the end of which African dust was brought in, and since the day before yesterday we have had sun again.

  3. Beautiful shot, it reminds me or rural Texas, but it's dry to the bone there, most time. Send in a flash flood and it changes.

    1. I wish for rain Ellie with all my heart. We have had sun here since yesterday!
      Thank you for your kind words!

  4. Wow! That's such an incredible image! Thanks for sharing it and have a wonderful rest of the weekend. If I don't comment next week I'm sending you lots of love for Greek Easter! xxx

  5. Fantàstics aquests cels i els reflexes a l'aigua.

    Aferradetes, Katerina.

  6. Esta foto é belíssima,
    ficaria maravilhosa num quadro: Foto-arte!
    Uma feliz semana!

  7. Beautiful picture with amazing reflections. Have a wonderful week 💗

  8. This is impressing, I love the reflections of the sky breaking around thse small stones. But I have a question. Your title means On the rock Reflection? Or am I wrong? The reflection I can of course see, but not a rock. I was taught how to read Koine Greek long, long ago, and modern Greek is too different for me to make heads or tails of. But so beautiful photos!

  9. You are right the title is: Reflections from Peter.
    Petros is a name (the name of my son who we share the blog with).
    But stone is stone, they differ in one letter. Πέτρος/πέτρα
    Thank you for your kind words Charlotte!

  10. Dear Katerina!
    Each of your photos is of excellent quality.
    I can't take my eyes off this beauty.
    Hugs and greetings:)

  11. Τη λατρεύω! Υπέροχη αντανάκλαση.


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