
Παρασκευή 27 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024

Modest little flower of Autumn/Ταπεινό λουλουδάκι του Φθινοπώρου

 Even the most modest flower of autumn reminds us that beauty and strength can thrive in simplicity, blooming quietly as the world changes around it.

Ακόμα και το πιο ταπεινό λουλούδι του φθινοπώρου μας θυμίζει ότι η ομορφιά και η δύναμη μπορούν να ανθίσουν μέσα στην απλότητα, σιωπηλά καθώς ο κόσμος γύρω του αλλάζει.

27 σχόλια:

  1. Beautiful flower and photo of it, Katerina. Flowers are always very welcome in autumn. Here the frost will soon destroy my flowers, but many of them will come back next spring. Have a great weekend!

  2. Oh, such bright colors of fall! So lovely! I hope you have a fantastic October 🍂🍁💛

  3. Parece como si estuviera flotando en el aire.
    ¡Preciosamente sencilla!

    Aferradetes, Katerina.

  4. Wisely said, I agree 👍🏼😃
    A beautful flower.
    Happy weekend Katerina to you 😘

  5. Maravilhoso e verdadeiro pensamento!
    A flor é linda!
    Um ótimo fim de semana, querida Katerina!

  6. Autumn flowers are even more precious because all the summer flowers are gone. This is a beautiful one!

  7. A gorgeous flower, the color is stunning. Thank you for visiting Katerina. It was lovely to see you.

  8. En medio de su sencillez, hay escondida mucha belleza.
    Feliz domingo de descanso.

  9. It was lovely to see the marigolds still in loom on Corfu, here in the Uk they're over by mid-August! xxx

    1. Despite some rain,
      we still have a lot of heat and many blooming flowers,
      almost like a second spring!
      Have a nice Sunday Vix🧡


Hard work for a great shot! / Σκληρή δουλειά πίσω για μια καλή Φωτογραφία!

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