
Σάββατο 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2025

Enjoying the sun!/ Απολαμβάνοντας τον ήλιο

To deny sunlight to the small is to deny nature itself. 

The sun shines for everyone, even the smallest creatures deserve its warmth.
Ο ήλιος λάμπει για όλους, ακόμη και τα πιο μικρά πλάσματα αξίζουν τη ζεστασιά του.

Το να στερείς το φως του ήλιου από τα μικρά πλάσματα είναι σαν να στερείς τη φύση από τον ίδιο της τον εαυτό.


58 σχόλια:

  1. Olá, Katarina, que lindo, todo o planetinha se verga diante da grandeza do Sol
    não imagino o planeta sem o Rei Sol! Imagem linda!
    Um feliz fim de semana

  2. Hi, beautiful couple of pigeons. I have also 2 in my backyard. Have a nice weekend !

  3. A good time to cuddle. It might look warm with the sun, but it is quite deceiving here.

  4. How very sweet photo ☺️
    Happy weekend to you Caterina 😘

  5. I tots ens hi acomodem al davant, sobretot quan tenim fred. ;-)
    Preciosa imatge!
    Aferradetes, Katerina.

  6. Bonita escena, esa pareja de aves disfruta toman el sol invernal.
    Un saludo.

  7. how beautiful! it's a sign that spring is approaching, love is blooming...

  8. Se ve que están a gusto en esos hierros de la terraza, en donde calienta el sol.
    Feliz domingo.

  9. Se ve que están a gusto en esos hierros de la terraza, en donde calienta el sol.
    Feliz domingo.

  10. What could be more beautiful when it comes to enjoying the sun?

  11. Beautifully said, Catherine! A lovely reminder that all beings, no matter how small, deserve warmth, light, and kindness. Nature thrives when everything is given its fair share.

  12. I totally agree, and this is a delightful photo, such sweet birds in sunlight. Yes, everything in nature deserves their day in the sun, even the little ant :) A beautiful post my friend.

  13. How good it is to enjoy the sun.
    Beautiful and tender photo.
    Happy Valentine's Day ❤️

  14. aahh, the mourning doves, so precious. I have the Eurasian Collared Dove , relative to the mourning dove, visit me every day. They are very special birds of peace. Have a pleasant week, Katerina.



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