
Σάββατο 18 Μαΐου 2024

Φωτογραφία 12ης εβδομάδας


Αγορά Μοδιάνο

(Αν δείτε τον εαυτό σας σε κάποια φωτογραφία και δε σας αρέσει αυτό, παρακαλούμε ενημερώστε μας να την κατεβάσουμε).

59 σχόλια:

  1. Awesome photo, Katerina; have a happy day xx
    I haven't visited Thessaloniki, so I'm not on the photo ;)

  2. Classic architecture. So pleasant to visit you 🙏🏽

  3. I understand from the inscription (Agora) that it is a market, but the building is huge, slender.

  4. It looks like a great place to explore! So inviting!

  5. It is a beautiful market! Take care, have a wonderful week!


  6. A beautiful building, classic and elegant architecture.

  7. It's a very beautiful building, Katerina. I like the photo very much. Have a nice week!

  8. Your photos of Thessaloniki are bringing back lots of lovely memories of a visit I made there several years ago Katerina.

  9. Salonika had the largest Jewish community in Greece pre-WW2. So spouse and I were very keen to visit in 1970-2 to see if anything had been saved after the German occupation ended. But the synagogues, cemeteries and yeshivas seem to have been destroyed.
    Thank goodness Modiano market was not destroyed, the irony being that the architect Eli Mondiano was Jewish,

    1. The story of the Jews of Thessaloniki has not yet been told... unfortunately.
      Recently efforts are being made by some to tell the story and restore some monuments,
      some books have been written, that refer to the events and people started wanting to know.
      I'm really sorry about that.
      Thank you for mentioning it.

  10. This is a great looking market. I’d like to shop there. Happy new week. Hugs Erika

  11. Una buena arquitectura de fondo. yel ambiente propio de la ciudad.

  12. Una gran façana i l'ambient de qualsevol lloc, on cadascú va a la seva.

    Aferradetes, Katerina.

  13. Bella imagen, que auna la arquitectura y la vida cotidiana.
    Un abrazo, amiga

  14. This looks like a lively marketplace.

    I hope you are enjoying these May days, Katerina.


  15. Dear Katerina!
    Your photos and the architecture of this building are beautiful.
    Hugs and greetings.

  16. Ya he podido solucionar el problema que tenía. Ahora puedo de nuevo comentar todos los blogs. Bella imagen.
    Un saludo.


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